May, 25: 1st (virtual) Meeting ICV international expert work group “Project Controlling”

An increasing part of products is generated by projects. For Germany for example, a study shows a share of more than one third. More and more of our daily business life takes place in various roles within projects. Both of these facts are good reasons to have a closer look on what’s going on there. To support this, German controllers and project managers meet on a regular base to exchange experience and work on good practices in the ICV expert work group “Projekt Controlling”. The intention of the 1st (virtual) meeting – May 25, 4 p.m. – is to pilot this idea on a more international base. You are welcome to participate!


  • ICV – International Association of Controllers – Welcome & short introduction: Dragica Erculj – ICV Delegate Southeast Europe
  • ICV expert work group “Project Controlling”: Klaus Schopka, ICV expert work group leader, Germany
  • “Who Needs Project Controlling…?”: Klaus Schopka and Christian Bramkamp, Delegate of ICV expert work groups, Germany
  • Open Discussion/next steps: all

Login details: very soon at ICV website (“events”).


Ein Kommentar

  1. Hallo Herr Sander,

    gern würde ich zusammen mit einem Kollegen am 25. Mai an der Arbeitsgruppe “Project Controlling” teilnehmen. Wo können wir uns denn anmelden?

    Beste Grüße
    Felix Anton

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