Did you know that all lectures on monday morning and on tuesday as well as the cluster “Digital controlling – reorientation of the corporate management” are simultanuesly translated to English during the Controller Congress in April in Munich? So: If you don’t speak German – no problem, come and join us at the leading conference and get-together for controllers in Europe. Get informed and register here: https://www.icv-controlling.com/…/controller-congress-munic…
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- Lernen, Netzwerken, Zukunft gestalten – Rückblick auf ein Treffen des AK Rhein-Ruhr
- Generative KI im Healthcare Controlling: Einblicke aus dem ICV-Arbeitskreis Gesundheitswesen Schweiz
- Die transformative Kraft von GenAI im Finanzwesen – Ein Ausblick auf 2030
- ICV Arbeitskreistreffen Zürich-Ostschweiz: Künstliche Intelligenz im Accounting/Controlling
- Transformation – the word at the decade – at the 12th ICCC in Croatia