Controlling on Madagascar

Is controlling needed on Madagascar? How can you help? This country is one of the poorest countries in the world where about 75% of people live just for 2 USD per day. The ICV POLAND (International Association of Controllers – ICV) understands the need for sustainable growth and protection of the unique environment so it supports and respects the activities of charity organizations like Ankizy Gasy/Children of Madagascar.

Chairman of the charity Patricia Malik said that one of the problems is that people on Madagascar don’t plan they future and live just day by day. They need education! The ICV POLAND believes that controlling as a process of defining targets, planning and steering towards sustainable growth is worth promoting in countries like Madagascar. During the visit dr Tomasz M. Zieliński, CEO at ICV POLAND, gave two inspiring lectures on controlling and planning the future for young students from Madagascar. It was a unique and emotional experience.

If you want to help education on Madagascar please donate the charity Children of Madagascar. You can join a “virtual adoption” program and support education, everyday lunch and breakfast for a particular child only for 170 euro per year. Details on:

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