The International Controller Association in Poland cooperates closely with two universities that are both ICV corporate members. The programs of the controlling studies are built in accordance with the 10 core elements by the ICV and the IGC.
First is Szkoła Główna Handlowa (SGH; international Warsaw School of Economics) which started the next edition of the program of postgraduate studies „Studies of Financial Controlling in Capital Groups“ on March 12, 2016 (more about the cooperation here).
Second is Nicolaus Copernicus University Toruń. Recently the postgraduate studies “Business Controlling” realized in cooperation with the ICV, were awarded with the quality sign “Studies with Future” in the 1st edition of the Polish Accreditation Program. The Award was given to most innovative programs based on current innovative knowledge, creating skills and social competences which are demanded by the employers. Each program was valuated not only by scientists, but also by the economic environment. Only one certificate was given to business postgraduate studies in Poland and only one in this region of Poland.