Poland: First edition of the postgraduate studies starts in November!

First edition of postgraduate studies organized by the Polish University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń in cooperation with the ICV starts on November 13, 2015. At the inauguration the ICV will be represented by Dr. Herwig Fridag who gives the first lecture, as well as by Edyta Szarska (new Polish National Delegate), Andrzej Derkowski (Coordinator of the study on behalf of the ICV and the leader of the ICV Region Kujawsko-Pomorski) and other leaders of the Polish work groups and some member of the ICV Region Kujawsko-Pomorski.

Many of the lectures are ICV members – it is therefore guaranteed that the studies will be conducted in accordance with the ICV philosophy and 10 core elements.

The University of Nicolaus Copernicus is second university in Poland (after Szkoła Główna Handlowa – Warsaw School of Economics) that combines ICV corporate membership with closer cooperation.

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